5 Things a Daughter Should Know

I first wrote this post for my daughter who turned eighteen earlier this month. As she blew out the candles on her cake, I saw her standing on the threshold of her grown-up life. With the doors thrown open, I began to wonder (and worry) if I had done enough. Had I taught her and […]

When You Want to Know What God is Gonna Do

“He went out, not knowing where he was going.” – Hebrews 11:8 ESV Some people seem to have this new year’s gig figured out. Their January days appear to ebb and flow in steady, productive rhythms. Plans move forward, dreams bud and bloom, and stuff just plain happens. And then there’s the rest of us […]

When It’s Time to Return to Your Rest

Return to your rest, my soul, for the LORD has been good to you. – Psalm 116:7 NIV There comes a time when you must tell your soul to return to its rest. Maybe your life these last weeks, months, or year has looked plenty like David’s life from the Old Testament. Maybe you’ve been on the run and forced […]

A Little Window Washing

“…we too may live a new life.” Romans 6:4 We had our windows cleaned the other day. Yes, I hire someone to do them—please don’t hate. It takes him no time at all to get it done–he has his squeegee thingy, a stack of soft cloths, just the right fluid mixture. Me, on the other hand…a spray […]

Dear Church, We’ve Made a Mistake

I think we’ve make a mistake. We’ve allowed ourselves to love God’s messengers more than God Himself. We’ve fallen too deeply and too carelessly for their causes, their notoriety, and their truths rather than stand firm in the Truth of God. And when these, our bothers and sisters in Christ, veer off the narrow road, […]

5 Truths To Strengthen A Marriage

Weddings are great. Marriages can be, too. Before I go on, let me say in full disclosure—I failed in marriage in the past. It was brief. I was young. God was not a part of it. We, were not part of it. It was rushed and shallow. I made mistakes. I learned much. Today, I […]

The Truth of How Jesus Paints Our Life

“Wash me, and I shall be whiter than snow.” – Psalm 51:7 Over the summer, my daughter’s bedroom got a mini-makeover. We bought some new furniture and lighting. I painted the walls and built hooks out of reclaimed wood (yay DIY!). We also installed one of those super closet organizers that magically quadruples small spaces. […]

When You’re Rushed…Don’t!

“Saul waited seven days but Samuel did not come.” 1 Samuel 13:8 It seems like decision-making has befallen my household. Not the little decisions that make up day-to-day stuff, but the big ones. Things to do with say… jobs, and homes, and moving, and money, and uhhhh…the list seems too big! It seems to be […]