He Left a Calling Card

“Never will I leave you; Never will I forsake you.”  Hebrews 13:5 NIV     A long, long time ago—what seems like an eternity now–I had a small little business card placed in front of me. On that card was today’s key verse, boldly printed against a beautiful picture. It grabbed my attention, so I grabbed […]

He Chooses to Pursue

“Surely your goodness and unfailing love will pursue me all the days of my life.” – Psalm 23:6 NLT Our kids loved to play chase when they were small.   “Catch me, Daddy!” they squealed as they pulled on my husband’s hand.   “Catch me if you can!”   And off they’d go. Two sets […]

It’s All In The Meaning

“When doubts filled my mind, your comfort gave me renewed hope and cheer.” Psalm 94:19 NIV     My friend and I had a good laugh the other day.   The topic? How our brain is constantly holding conversations with itself.   For me, it’s a committee meeting going on in there, ALWAYS!    A […]

When You Feel Stuck

“I am the door. If anyone enters by me, he will be saved and will go in and out and find pasture.” – John 10:9 ESV Sometimes you’ve got to put your hip into it.   My family and I just bought our own version of This Old House. A 1960 refurbished ranch nestled in […]

What Are You Taking?

“And this is the way to have eternal life–to know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, the one you sent to earth.” John 17:3 NIV   We’ve had quite a week here in Southern California—(San Diego County).     Brush fires gripped just about every city in the county. Evacuations, homes lost, property […]

The Line: A Poem for Mamas

For all our Mamas out there. May the Lord continue to refresh, strengthen, and work in you all you need to flourish in your ministry of motherhood. The Line by Raye Wortel My heart cried for kids, that much was true. Then kids came, and I didn’t have a clue. People and book, Said follow […]

Busy Work

“Do your planning and prepare your fields before building your house.” Proverbs 24:27 NIV   I watched her just about every day.   She worked and worked and never stopped. Her diligence was impressive. Her tenacity was intriguing. The urgency was noted.   The spot where she picked to work seemed futile and I had my doubts it would come together, but […]

How Beautiful You Are!

“How beautiful you are, my darling! Oh, how beautiful!” – Song of Songs 4:1 NIV   The One who created the heavens and the earth in all their magnificence created you. And if you are His beloved and most prized possession – loved more than any rock, cosmos, or sea, why do you believe you […]