A Word for the Season

It was my birthday last week. As a lay in bed recounting the wonderful blessings I received that day, I prayed God would give me just one word to carry for the coming year. I waited in anticipation for him to lay on me some grand word of action or accomplishment. I fought to be still – and ready to […]

Have You Put Out Your Signs?

“When all our enemies heard about this, all the surrounding nations were afraid and lost their self-confidence.” Nehemiah 6:17a It’s obvious you fiercely protect what you love. That’s probably why we all connect so well, don’t you think? Your stories are telling—you have a heart’s desire to gather up those you love and shield them […]

Rejecting Grace: 3 Reasons Why We Do It and How To Stop

“We are presumptuous, not when we marvel at his grace, but when we reject it.” – Max Lucado, The Gospel of Second Chances Good morning friends! Are any of you, by chance, a grace rejector? My husband, who has far more tact than I ever will, would cringe at my question. “You can’t ask questions […]

Why You Should Never Accept Ordinary

Can we get a coffee and chat? I mean, just you and I sitting on a couch gabbing away? Let’s talk, because I’ve been meaning to tell you something. I know you’ve been feeling ordinary lately. It happens to all of us. The routines, the schedules, the “I don’t know when it happened” melting of […]

3 Things to Know When Wants Overrun Your Life

“The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not want.” – Psalm 23:1 ESV Sleep and I are not the best of friends. We have a love-hate relationship. I love sleep, but when it abandons me around 4AM most mornings, well … hate is almost too good of a word. For years, I laid awake praying, […]

Disneyland May Have The Answer to a Chaotic Life

  So, does your life feel like it spins out-of-control at times? I’m telling you, there are days my feet barely touch the floor in the morning and the spinning starts! You, too? Sometimes? Or, maybe you’re thinking, “Sometimes? heck, my life is on perpetual spin-cycle!” Endlessly. Viciously. Spinning and spinning. Round and round. Seemingly […]

Why Letting Go is Beautiful and Necessary

It’s 6PM and 92 degrees outside as I write this post. I wanted to talk about autumn and falling leaves and letting go, but maybe summer and flip-flops and adventures are a better choice. No. I think I’ll just pretend my air conditioner is blowing a cold north wind and my orange blossom, green iced […]

7 Layered Joy

“These things I have spoken to you, that My joy may remain in you, and that your joy may be full.”  John 15:11  NKJV   It happened the other day and I couldn’t get it out of my head. In fact, it’s still there buzzing around. It’s one of those songs that gets stuck between […]