Inspire: You’ll Need Him One Day
Better is one day in your courts than a thousand elsewhere; I would rather be a doorkeeper in the house of my God than dwell in the tents of the wicked. Psalm 84:10 NIV
So the saying goes, “No one likes a defense attorney…until they need one.”
Jesus seems to be inserted into that saying, too.
Jesus isn’t liked all that much these days, so why need Him?
…until we do.
There will come a day when our last breath on earth ushers in our first breath before God.
And being alone when that happens won’t be a good thing.
But if we said yes to Jesus here, there will be One who stands in defense, there.
In all our sinfulness and shame and broken lives we lived, One will stand and give a defense that we can’t do on our own.
When God gives a list of all we did wrong, Jesus points at the cross.
When God says we once turned our backs on Him, Jesus points at the cross.
When God says we don’t deserve eternity, Jesus points at the cross.
And when God says we’re not even close to being worthy, Jesus points at the cross and simply says, “I paid the price—oh yes she is!”
Our acceptance of Jesus in our lives now ensures there will be a Jesus in our defense later.
Say yes to Him, so He can say yes of you.
Study references: (click on each to be connected directly to bible verses) 2 Corinthians 5:10, Psalm 84:10-12, Matthew 10:32-33, Romans 2:16, Acts 3:18-20, John 3:16