Fort Building

“Those who trust in the Lord are as secure as Mount Zion; they will not be defeated but will endure forever.” Psalm 125:1 NLT



Photo: Renae Bowman



The locals simply call it “Presidio.”


The official name is El Presidio Reál de San Diego.


It is a large building, sitting high on a hill that can be seen for miles.


When you’re there, the views stretch from the ocean in the west, to the mountains in the east.


And while you stand there, you understand why that spot was picked for such a place.


The Presidio.


A fort for protection.

A garrison for the armies.

A point of advantage to stand watch over the land and people below.


What is your Presidio?


Who is your Presidio?


King David understood these questions:


“He is my loving God and my fortress, my stronghold and my deliverer.” Psalm 144:2 NIV


We don’t fight many land battles on our soil anymore. We hardly have to worry about high points of advantage. But those in war, those in far off lands which are under constant attack, understand this in real time.


But make no mistake about it; we are under attack in the spiritual world just as much. We live in the fruitful valleys of life forgetting the marauder is out there, desperately wanting to rob us of our connection to the great I Am.


Like the people in the low lands of the past, we too need to look up to the mountaintops and see a safe place to flee. We need to know there is a place to go for protection. When harm comes our way, when troubles consume us, when hard times take over—we all need that place of refuge.


Jesus is that place. Jesus is the fort on the mountain. He is the place of sanctuary.


Wherever you are on the spectrum of believing, may I boldly say that there is only one true place of protection?

Whether you are rejecting, dabbling, believing, or all in—Jesus Christ, The Son of God has clearly said HE is the stronghold of life.


“The name of the Lord is a strong tower; the righteous run to it and are safe.” Proverbs 18:10


So look upward to the Presidio of Christ.


He is standing guard against all foes so that you may live with Him forever.


He has the point of advantage.


The safe place is there.


He has a few official names–El – Shaddai, Jehovah- Elohim


The locals simply call him Abba.


Dad for short.


Will you let him be your shelter?




One Reply

  1. Pam

    Beautiful, Renae!

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