God, Don’t Give Me Strength!

The Sovereign Lord is my strength. – Habakkuk 3:19 NIV

Photo: Raye Wortel

Photo: Raye Wortel

And so it begins…


For the next six weeks we’ll work and plan and busy ourselves to exhaustion.


Our home, family, and life will display perfection of the highest order. Turkeys, Christmas lights, and shopping sprees signal lofty expectations we’ll have of ourselves and others. Chicken nuggets and Chinese take-out will have no place at our table. Pinterest projects will overrun every shelf, every wall, and front door. The dog will smell like candy canes, and every room will smell like cinnamon, pine, apple, vanilla, pumpkin spice.


Martha Stewart, Rachel Ray, and Joan Cleaver will have nothing on us.


And at least a hundred times between the first slice of pie and the last New Year’s toast, we’ll heave a sigh and beg the Lord for one thing.


“God, give me strength!”


Give me strength for one more party, one more shopping trip, and one more hour with relatives.


Give me strength as I schedule, commit, and promise one more thing in the name of holiday spirit.


God, give me strength to be all the things I’m not the rest of the year.


Oh, the burdens we multiply upon ourselves.


Well, no more.


This year I don’t want Him to give me strength.


For if He gives me strength, I’ll do with it how I choose.


I’ll make it my own and claim glory for every compliment, fabulous meal, and perfectly wrapped gift.


I’ll use it build a “holiday me” so friends and neighbors will think I’m some kind of superwoman.


If God gives me strength, I’ll slip it from His hands, walk away, and see how far I can use it to magnify myself in all I see, and say, and do.


I cannot trust myself with His strength, so I’ll ask Him for something else.


God, BE my strength – be our strength.


God, be our strength from which Your grace, and beauty, and peace flow.


Be our strength where the desires of Your heart are the desires of ours.


Be our strength as we lay aside who we think we are, and let You mold us into Your design.


Be our strength as you change our expectations of the season to one of rest, worship, and gratitude.


Be our strength where every act of service for friends, family, and those who cross our path, magnify Your glory and love.


God, be our strength. Don’t let us wring and twist the gift you offer into something for our gain, purpose, or plan.


God, be our strength and have Your way with us this holiday season.

One Reply

  1. Carole Bode

    Lovely and powerful and timely!
    Thank you!!!
    Blessings for a delightful Thanksgiving 🙂
    Hugs and kisses

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