The Unforced Rhythms of Grace
“Are you tired? Worn out?…Come to me. Get away with me and you’ll recover your life. I’ll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me—watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won’t lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you’ll learn to live freely and lightly.” – Matthew 11:28-30 MSG
It was a day to get away and change my usual scenery.
For too long I’ve traveled the same roads, and roamed the same circles. Inspiration and motivation begged to replace my well-worn and familiar days.
I knew I couldn’t go too far though, or do anything drastic, for carpool was in a few hours (you’ve got to stick with reality, right?).
So I headed to the beach hoping the salt air and stiff breezes would clear away the cobwebs of my mind and soul.
With Bible in hand, and sand between my toes, and a solitary place to rest, I asked God to give me the next thing. I was ready to be inspired, filled, and stirred up for more of well…anything.
But only silence came.
At first my desire to “go” wouldn’t ease, and I became restless in waiting. I adjusted my chair, and spent time worrying about the low-flying seagulls gliding over my head.
But I was determined to meet with the Lord and make use of the time I had carved out of my day. I couldn’t leave the shore empty-handed; something marvelous and maybe big was bound to happen.
I turned my attention towards the water. There’s something about water – roaring or still, that brings me peace.
I watched the waves roll in and realized my mind was quietly free from the demands and concerns I carried around like well-earned armor.
I had no thoughts, no motives, or wants; only to sit and take in the surge and thunder of the waves.
They crested and broke against the coast, reminding me of the chaos and uncertainty I felt in my heart and mind of late.
I grinned at God’s display of power – knowing what I saw, was a tiny speck of skill on His part.
And as I lifted praise in my thoughts, I was introduced to the unforced rhythms of grace.
I could see a timing and perfection in the breaking waves. The pounding surf had a tempo and cadence which transformed it from an imposing force to purposeful power.
And for the first time in a long time, I felt removed from the swirling mess of my life. I was perched high above demands and fears.
“Watch me work.” the Lord whispered. “I’ve set you above what weighs you down. Listen for the rhythm of My grace which uphold your troubles.”
In the midst of chaos, turmoil, or confusion there is an undercurrent of grace to soothe and lighten our heavy hearts.
A melody of peace which sings, but is only sensed in our stillness and searching of the Lord.
Look beyond the surface of your circumstances. Come to Him. Escape – if only for a short while, and take in the flow and pulse of His healing hands.
There, in the unforced rhythms of grace, will we learn to live free and light!
Father, teach me to seek Your unforced rhythms of grace. Tug at my heart to slow down and find You today.
Think I will head to the beach today. . .great reminder that when God speaks it is in the quiet of our soul we can hear His still small voice. Even among the thunderous crashing waves. . .He speaks tender words of comfort to us. What a loving Father, friend, and Savior we have. . .thank you.
May you meet Him wherever quiet moments arise, Diane!