Don’t Forget

“Don’t misunderstand why I have come. I did not come to abolish the law of Moses or the writings of the prophets. No, I came to accomplish their purpose.” Matthew 5:17



Photo: Renae Bowman


Our Jewish friends will be celebrating Passover in a week.  A time to reflect when God moved mightily in a land called Egypt and rescued the chosen people from enslavement.  A time when death fell upon those that didn’t believe, but life was given to those that did.  A lamb was used; its blood guaranteed survival. (Exodus 12)


Flash forward a thousand years to a 33yr old man having supper in an upper room with his followers.  A man who before this night made endless claims that he was the Son of God.  A man who said, “I am the light of the world. If you follow me, you won’t have to walk in darkness, because you will have the light that leads to life.” John 8:12


Some pretty bold claims by an unknown Jew.


And at that dinner he reminded them when they celebrate this feast again, from that day on it will mean something much, much, more. He told them, “Remember me, because I’M taking the place of that slaughtered lamb.  Remember me because MY blood will be used to save the generations.  Remember me because I am the yeast in the Bread of life.” (Matthew 26: 26-30, paraphrased)


We’ve somehow moved the words of that night into a ritual.  Somehow, they changed from being God’s words of clarity for the Passover feast, to recited phrases elsewhere.


Jesus wasn’t giving us a new ritual.

He was telling the world… his blood, his body, and his life were the symbols in the ancient feast and they would mean so much for generations to come.


In one night, Jesus laid out the reminders to stop doing “church” and do Christ.



Today, can we make real what that Passover dinner was all about?

With knowing what happened in the three days that followed, can we say, “yes Lord, we will remember?”


When we need a way out of our Egypt—remember Jesus.

When we have no hope to survive the desert—remember Jesus.

When we are in need of a lamb to atone for our sins—remember Jesus.



Can you hear Him saying, “Don’t forget.”

Can you hear Him saying, “It’s already been done.”

Can you hear Him saying, “I did it all for you.”


Will you remember?

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