What I’ve Learned in My Silence

“For everything there is a season…a time to keep silence, and a time to speak.” – Ecclesiastes 3:1,7 ESV   Hello friend, it’s been a while. Months really, since I put down my pen (and my laptop) – deeply questioning my ability to write and serve and minister to you through this blog. I think it […]

Inspire: Your Field Is Before You

“The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few.” Luke 10:2 NIV   A church near our house has a small, non-descript sign, at their driveway. The sign is facing those leaving, not those coming in. It simply says, “You’re now entering the mission field.” I love that! It’s a reminder to their parishioners that […]

Inspire: Wholly God

“He has set eternity in the hearts of men.” Ecclesiastes 3:11 NIV   Is there something missing? Do you feel that little “thing” that’s off-kilter? Are you wondering, why is there a small sense of emptiness when everything else feels so full? We were made that way! The God who formed us, grew us, and […]