Dear Church, We’ve Made a Mistake

I think we’ve make a mistake. We’ve allowed ourselves to love God’s messengers more than God Himself. We’ve fallen too deeply and too carelessly for their causes, their notoriety, and their truths rather than stand firm in the Truth of God. And when these, our bothers and sisters in Christ, veer off the narrow road, […]

5 Truths To Strengthen A Marriage

Weddings are great. Marriages can be, too. Before I go on, let me say in full disclosure—I failed in marriage in the past. It was brief. I was young. God was not a part of it. We, were not part of it. It was rushed and shallow. I made mistakes. I learned much. Today, I […]

The Truth of How Jesus Paints Our Life

“Wash me, and I shall be whiter than snow.” – Psalm 51:7 Over the summer, my daughter’s bedroom got a mini-makeover. We bought some new furniture and lighting. I painted the walls and built hooks out of reclaimed wood (yay DIY!). We also installed one of those super closet organizers that magically quadruples small spaces. […]

When You’re Rushed…Don’t!

“Saul waited seven days but Samuel did not come.” 1 Samuel 13:8 It seems like decision-making has befallen my household. Not the little decisions that make up day-to-day stuff, but the big ones. Things to do with say… jobs, and homes, and moving, and money, and uhhhh…the list seems too big! It seems to be […]

Words Are Your Wardrobe

“Trees are swayed by winds, men by words.” – Joan Aiken, The Last Slice of Rainbow and Other Stories We sat across each other in the almost-empty coffee shop. In quiet voices, we shared stories of our childhood. Not the happy parts like Sundays at the lake, or eating peach upside-down cake, or of freedom […]