I See You…

The Lord looks from heaven; he sees all the sons of men. – Psalm 33:13 NKJV This is me. Every glaring fault, and every moment when I embrace the idea that I’m really God’s child. They may be your’s too. When I feel naked and exposed before Him, I cry at the ugliness still raging […]

A Serious Chat

You know those times, when you’re hanging out with good friends or family and one-person, out of nowhere, changes the mood by asking a serious question.  A question that puts everyone back on their heels and causes that uncomfortable silence?  A question you just know will lead to deep, deep conversation—whether you like it or […]

Delicate Wings–Determined Purpose

 “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart.” Jeremiah 1:5 NIV   Anyone else  noticing more butterflies these days?  They seem to be all over the place, at least here in Southern California. Must be their time of year.   It reminds me of something. […]

Whip-poor-will Words

Set a guard over my mouth, Lord; keep watch over the door of my lips. – Psalm 141:3 NIV Growing up, my mother would tell me I talked like a Whip-poor-will’s rear-end in flight (though she used a more colorful word). It sounded strange to my young ears, and I wasn’t sure what she meant, […]

He Actually Prayed for Us!

  Did you know that Jesus prayed to his father specifically for YOU?   I didn’t either!   Well, I sort of did—probably like you, but really didn’t key in on it…until a few days ago.   The other morning I was reading in the book of John and saw a verse in a completely […]

A Thought on Thoughts

I have stretched out My hands all day long to a rebellious people, who walk in a way that is not good, according to their own thoughts. Isaiah 65:2 NKJV We were designed to consider, reflect, ruminate, speculate, and contemplate. We have the ability to ponder the deep, meditate the lofty, or dream of the […]